About Us
Lighting The Future
LEDTECHLighting the future® is a brand owned by H.L. Srl. an Italian company founded on January 2015 by three partners with extensive experience in the electronics and lighting.
The three partners founded the H.L. Ltd. and created the brand LEDTECH Lighting the future® inspired by the LED technology to offer European market the most innovative and high-performance LED solutions
HL Srl headquarters are strategically located in the Center of Italy, in the industrial area of Cassino, nearby Cassino FCA Plant; H.L. Facilities are in a modern structure that occupies about 6,000 square meters. of land of which 1,100 are covered and destined to warehouse and offices. HL Srl has also a branch office in China, managed directly by the shareholders; in China’s branch office there is a well trained team of engineers and quality technicians which is constantly engaged in new suppliers scouting to make available to european market the best technology at competitive prices.
All LedTech products optical, thermal and mechanical properties are fully tested to ensure stable, predictable performance. Their efficacy and long lifetime reduces maintenance costs such as relamping.
H.L. Srl know-how allows extreme flexibility. The company is able to offer technical advice of any kind in the field in which it operates, from simple home installation to larger residential areas needs such as offices, shops, multifunctional centers. Thanks to an efficient and effective warehouse management H.L. Srl ensures prompt orders delivery

H.L. SRL works daily to promote the energy saving culture for a cleaner, brighter world with less expense.
LED technology that H.L. Srl offers its customers ensures a continuos saving over time thanks to a drastic consumption reductions, compared to a sustainable initial cost.
Distributing high quality LED products for H.L. Srl is more than a mere commercial activity, it is a real social function. Every day businesses and people are wondering how to save money while protecting the environment and one of the easiest ways is just to replace traditional light bulbs with LED products, synonymous with savings and ecology.
H.L. Srl contributes saving money, adding value to homes and businesses, and reducing air pollution..
Products and Fields of Applications
All products distributed by H.L.Srl are used to be at the forefront of led technology through continuous innovation and dynamic research and are perfect in every context.
Since the first products launched, LED technology is currently improved even if people continue to expect more in terms of light quality and efficiency. To get the best results it’s important to choice the rights products. All LedTech solutions represent the state of the LED technology with high quality standards.
Our engineers in H.L. Chinese headquarters are continually engaged in tests and controls; all products use parts by the world's leading technology companies such as Samsung, Philips, Epistar and Bridgelux.
Thanks to this rigorous selection process and quality controls all products distributed by H.L. srl are warranted up to five years and delivered accompanied by the necessary certifications and tests documentation.INDUSTRIAL